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Perspective, Business

Opinion: For 2012, Invest in Teamwork

Slowly but surely, trucking is emerging from recession, and trucking company leaders all over the country are anxiously watching the bottom line, determined not to falter now that the sun is finally coming out.

January 16, 2012
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Wear Your Seat Belt — or Else

Without a doubt, however, the single most dangerous thing our employees do in the course of our workday is commuting to and from the job.

January 9, 2012
Perspective, Business

Opinion: The Bathwater, Not the Baby

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!” We have all heard this saying at some point in our lives. I was reminded of it recently, when I was researching the 2012 year-end W2 and 1099 reporting requirements.

January 2, 2012
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Finding Qualified Diesel Technicians

Qualified diesel technicians are getting harder to find, a situation the transportation trade press has lamented for the past decade with headlines such as “Who Will Fix Your Trucks?”

December 19, 2011
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Shorepower — Not Just for Boats

The vision is to have almost every truck equipped with shore-power-friendly systems and to have ubiquitous shore power so that anywhere truckers think about idling for any length of time, they have an alternative.

December 12, 2011
Perspective, Business, Equipment

Opinion: Mobile Tech and the Supply Chain

Advanced transportation management systems (TMS) have long provided automation and functionality that help plan, optimize, manage and execute transportation more accurately and productively than — to be blunt — a human being.

December 5, 2011
Perspective, Government, Business

Opinion: Nafta Works

The slogans on signs held by opponents of the cross-border trucking provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement have included statements such as “Nafta Kills!”

November 28, 2011
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Managing Cargo Security

Cargo theft is on the rise, and, thanks to various reporting groups, we carriers, shippers and consignees are now able to track theft patterns and take steps to reduce our chances of being involved in such incidents.

November 21, 2011
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Third Time Could Be the Charm

Will the old saw, “third time’s the charm,” turn out to be true for the truck safety tax-credit bill? That’s what carriers of all sizes are hoping for — although the larger fleets may be hoping a tad harder than their smaller colleagues.

November 14, 2011
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Don’t Jump!

Most truckers know that falling off a trailer can result in a cracked skull, but they also need to know that knees, ankles, hips and backs also can be damaged by a jump from the cab — injuries that can make the difference between trucking as a long-term career or just a job for the young.

November 7, 2011