Convoy Enhances App, Giving Carriers Access to More Spot Freight

Convoy booth at MATS
Convoy booth at an industry show by John Sommers II for Transport Topics

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Digital freight broker Convoy launched direct-from-shipper loads nationwide, a feature intended to provide carriers access to 10 times the amount of spot freight from America’s largest shippers.

Convoy connects carriers to shippers who share all of their spot shipments through Convoy’s digital freight network. Carriers can access these spot loads directly in the Convoy app, right alongside loads they would otherwise be bidding on.

Because these loads are coming directly from the shippers before being awarded to any broker, they show up as bid-only in the Convoy app. Carriers are in control throughout this process as they can bid on individual loads or use its automated bidding to set a price for those that match their preferences.

Participation requires no additional work and there are no calls or negotiations to handle, according to the Seattle-based company. — Transport Topics

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